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About Burrower Bugs


Burrower Bugs: Underground Dwellers

About Burrower Bugs

Cydnidae, commonly known as burrower bugs, is a family of pentatomoid bugs comprising approximately 750 species under the order Heteroptera. True to their name, these insects reside underground, often congregating around grassy clumps in sandy soil.

Burrower bugs are primarily soil inhabitants, venturing outside only to relocate within or to adjacent fields. They occupy a unique niche in the ecosystem.

White-Margined Burrower Bug: A Notable Species

Among the Cydnidae family, the white-margined burrower bug (Sehirus cinctus) stands out as a member of the genus Sehirus and subfamily Sehirinae. This species is known for its distinctive white margins along its body, further adding to the diversity within the Cydnidae insect family.

